About me

“To know how much there is to know is the beginning of learning to live.” —Dorothy West

I am a Ph.D. student at the Erik Jonsson School of Engineering and Computer Science at The University of Texas at Dallas, working in the Multimodal Signal Processing (MSP) Laboratory on developing machine learning algorithms for studying expressive behavior. My research topics include emotion recognition, self-supervised learning, multimodal modelling, handling missing modalities, and audio and video signal processing. Part of the team collecting the largest spontaneous speech emotion dataset based on real-world podcast audios.


  • Presented our work “Enhancing resilience to missing data in audio-text emotion recognition with multi-scale chunk regularization” at ICMI - 2023, Paris - France, October 2023
  • Intern as Applied Scientist at Amazon Web Services (AWS) AI Labs - Summer 2023
  • Released code for our work “Versatile audiovisual learning for handling single and multi modalities in emotion regression and classification tasks” -> Paper; Code
  • Our work “An Intelligent Infrastructure Toward Large Scale Naturalistic Affective Speech Corpora Collection” was accepted to ACII 2023.
  • Our work “The importance of calibration: Rethinking confidence and performance of speech multi-label emotion classifiers,” was accepted to Interspeech 2023.
  • My work “Learning Cross-modal Audiovisual Representations with Ladder Networks for Emotion Recognition” was accepted to ICASSP 2023.